Year 9 Options
Here you will find information about the various subjects available at West Monmouth School, along with guidance from our subject teachers to assist you in making informed decisions for your future within each subject area.
In accordance with the Curriculum for Wales guidance requirements and our structured timetable, all pupils will study a selection of subjects, thereby ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum. Core subjects, including English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh, Physical Education, Religious Education and Skills Challenge are compulsory, while students will also have the opportunity to explore additional subjects such as triple Sciences, Humanities, Expressive Arts, Technology, Health and Well-being and Modern Foreign Languages.
When considering subject choices, it is essential to bear in mind that selections made during this stage will have implications for future career pathways and educational opportunities. It is crucial that your son or daughter engages in thorough discussions about their options.
Parental involvement is paramount in this process to guide and support the making of suitable choices. We strive to ensure that all pupils are enrolled in examination courses tailored to their individual needs and aspirations.
Core Subjects
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Physical Education
- Welsh
- Religious Education
- Finance
- Skills Challenge
In addition, pupils are afforded the opportunity to select 3 optional subjects from a diverse list, which includes:
Optional Subjects
- Triple Science (with separate options for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology),
- History,
- Art,
- Geography,
- French,
- ICT,
- Drama,
- Music,
- Physical Education,
- Religious Studies,
- Health, Social Care and Child Development,
- Design Technology – Product Design
- Design Technology – Textiles
These subjects are taught to GCSE level, with some also available at Entry Level.
Furthermore, a range of vocational courses is offered at Key Stage 4, including:
- Hospitality and Catering
- Engineering
- Construction
Option Videos
Please choose a link to view the relevant option video. These videos have been created to assist pupils with their choices.
Compulsory Subjects
Equality and Diversity NCFE
Skills Challenge Certificate

BTEC Engineering
Design Technology
Health and Social Care, and Childcare
Hospitality and Catering
Religious Studies